The New Order | The harmony of knowledge

Today, in the world of international magazines, every month or even every given period they are published, we can say we have at our disposal a wide choice.

We can read about everything and be informed in a complete and essential way.

One of the things that I honestly do not find more from, a long time is the emotion.

Emotion: or the  thrill of having in my hands something special, something that can teach me new things and at the same time that can communicate a new vision of things that make up my universe, that’s really tuned with myself, with “the present”, with good taste and quality, with the excellence of the things done with passion.

A kind of emotion, I remember, that was exactly what I perceived by very few magazines and publications that helped to build my knowledge in my formative years: the first 80’s

So I take a cue from my  interview, about the 1ST PAT-RN project, which was published by THE NEW ORDER, to introduce to you this outstanding publication.

The work that goes on behind the scenes, to build a high quality project is felt in every detail.
I talk about of interviews with emerging  and innovative brands, as well as to persons, designers, actors, musicians and historic brands that have placed in the fashion, design and art some of the most important key points of the past, the present and, for sure, the future, but also graphics and design, the type of images that are posted and great care in every aspect of the conformation.

I was hit by the calibrated use of fonts: sometimes different in every interview, but consistently and elegantly coordinated: we have a “flow of graphics” when reading… and you feel harmony!

Here’s what I look for, when I devote myself to the reading of a publication.


And about THE NEW ORDER I have strictly categorized him under “Harmony” in my mental files of inspirations, ideas and enrichment, that inevitably, for a designer are the lifeblood and always will be, because the aroma of paper, ink and the opportunity to touch as well as reading and learning, are the foundations of a methodology that we can not miss.

Do not miss this instrument of culture.

Thank to Mr. James Oliver of THE NEW ORDER for the interview that he made and for the passion that I have read every page of the magazine.